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  • Advaith Nair

2018 FTC State Championships

2018 State was by far the best tournament that I've had up to date. Like we have done in our previous tournaments, we won all of our Prelim Matches. We selected teams Gromit's Grommets and Insert Name Here, both of who were fantastic partners. We managed to make it to the Tech Division Finals, where we lost the first match, won the second match, and tied the third match, moving onto the fourth. Unfortunately during the fourth match, our chain broke and we weren't able to get full autonomous points nor were we able to complete a cipher pattern. Due to that mechanical mishap, we lost at the Tech Finals, which was quite far to go regardless.

Awards ceremony went much better than I expected. The first award they announced was Dean's List Finalists, which I completed the interview for during League Championships. I didn't anticipate to get called up, but I was the first person to get crowned a Dean's List Finalist!

Still in shock, I returned back to my team in the crowd. We were given 2nd Innovate and 2nd Think Award. After giving out robot competition awards, we walked in from our photo session being greeted to the 1st Place Inspire Award at Oregon State! I'm quite proud of this achievement, not because of the banner itself, but rather due to all the hard work that every single member put into achieving this award.

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