My Origin Story
I’m Advaith Nair, and I’m a creator. Since elementary school, I’ve been so fascinated by the arts, ranging from my comic book series “Robo” to the theatrical performances I’ve put on as a sports interviewer in my improv class. But on top of that, I was a math whiz, always in the advanced classes and winning state-wide math competitions. These were all creative outlets for me to express my passions until I stumbled upon the world of computing. Knowing that when I combine my creative abilities with the computational aspects, I began creating all sorts of digital products, ranging from apps and websites to coding for a complex robotic system I developed. When combining this newfound ability with my innovative thought process, I find myself today creating digital solutions to perpetual problems using entrepreneurship. Regardless of how I do it, at the end of the day, I’m still a creator.
Enjoy These
I wanted to explore the worlds of microservices and machine learning, so I built Clickbait, a bootleg YouTube video recommender. It's architected pretty well to be honest.

I don't play much now that I'm at school, but I used to play a lot of Splitgate during the summer. I might get back on one day though...

Beach Trip
Me and the boys went on a fun beach house trip this summer. I played Spike-ball, went to a cheese factory, and had a legendary burger.